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fado positivo

Porque não estamos condenados a ver sempre o copo meio-vazio, aqui só se destaca o copo meio-cheio

fado positivo

Porque não estamos condenados a ver sempre o copo meio-vazio, aqui só se destaca o copo meio-cheio


Com umas semanas da atraso, aqui fica um resumo das boas notícias que a OCDE deixa sobre Portugal no seu Education at a Glance: OECD Indicators 2015.

  • Portugal teve o maior aumento intergeracional do nível de educação entre todos os países desenvolvidos (membros da OCDE).
    The increase in educational attainment between the generations in Portugal is the highest across OECD countries. Among those aged 55 to 64, only 23% attained at least upper secondary education but the rate jumps to 65% among 25-34 year-olds.
  • A probabilidade de estar desempregado desce muito com a educação do trabalhador.
    In 2014, the unemployment rate for 25-64 year olds with below upper secondary was 14.8%, for those with upper secondary was 12.6% and
    was at 8.9% for those with tertiary education.
  • Portugal é dos países onde mais vale a pena estudar em termos de rendimento.
    Portugal has a very high earnings premium for tertiary education. Men and women in Portugal who have attained tertiary education earn, on average, 68% more than those with only upper secondary education.
  • Os professores são uma classe profissional bem paga em Portugal relativamente às outras classes.
    On average pre-primary and primary teachers are paid well above OECD average.
  • Portugal tem dos melhores rácios do número de professores por alunos.
    Student-teacher ratios in Portugal are, on average, smaller than in other OECD countries. There are 13 students per teacher in primary education, compared with an OECD average of 15 and in secondary education the ratio is 9:1, compared with an OECD average of 13:1.